Monday 27 September 2010

Apache Nutch 1.2 released

[quoting the announcement by Chris Mattmann]

The Apache Nutch project is pleased to announce the release of Apache Nutch
1.2. The release contents have been pushed out to the main Apache release
site so the releases should be available as soon as the mirrors get the

Apache Nutch, one of the six new Apache TLPs as a result of the April 2010
Board Meeting, is an extensible framework for building out large-scale
web-based search. Layered on top of fellow Apache projects Hadoop,
Lucene/Solr, and Tika, Nutch provides an out of the box platform for
fetching web pages, pdf files, word documents, and more. Nutch parses the
content and its relevant information, indexes its metadata, and makes it
available for efficient query and retrieval over modern Internet protocols.

Apache Nutch 1.2 contains a number of improvements and bug fixes. Details
can be found in the changes file:

Apache Nutch is available in source and binary form from the following
download page:

In the initial 48 hours, the release may not be available on all mirrors.
When downloading from a mirror site, please remember to verify the downloads
using signatures found on the Apache site:

For more information on Apache Nutch, visit the project home page:

Friday 3 September 2010

Field-based Weighting Schemes for Text Classification

Our Text Classification API uses a representation of documents based on fields, a bit like in Lucene.

This is quite useful as it allows to differentiate the terms based on the field they are found in and treat them as different attributes (e.g. text_every, title_title, ...) and of course to take the length of a field into account when computing the weight of a term.

In the example above, the attribute text_every would get a score of 0.2 (1/5) if the term frequency was used as a weighting scheme as the field contains a total of 5 tokens. Without the field-based representation of the documents, we'd have an attribute every (note that text_ has gone) with a score of 0.0714 (1 / 14).

Having this is great as it gives us more options for modelling the content of a document. Intuitively, we know that a term found in the title of a web page or in its description has a different status than in the main text of the page. This does not mean that it would necessarily have a higher weight, as this is determined by the ML algorithm, but at least the algorithm has the possibility to treat such a term differently.

We recently pushed the logic one step further. Since we use the length of the fields in order to compute the weights of the terms, at least for the tfidf and frequency weighting schemes, we thought it could be interesting to specify the weighting scheme per field instead of using the same scheme for all the fields. For instance, using frequency or tfidf for the main content of a document makes sense, but we wouldn't want to penalize a term in the title or keywords fields because of their length : whether a term occurs once among 10 keywords is just as good as it was on its own. We can now specify that the field title must use e.g. the boolean weighting scheme but keep as the default for the other fields.

I ran a quick experiment on the dataset we use to classify pages as adult or not in Nutch. The label is binary and indicates whether a page is suitable for all types of public or not. A model is built from this dataset and used in a custom Nutch ParseFilter and IndexingFilter so that we can e.g. use a filter query in SOLR to restrict the search result to 'safe' pages.

I tried 3 different versions of the dataset :
[A] all the fields (content title description keywords) use the frequency scheme
[B] all the fields use the tfidf scheme
[C] the frequency scheme is used by default but the field content uses tfidf

and got the following results with the K-fold cross validation provided by libLinear :


Interestingly, the best results were obtained by using a different scheme for the content. Using tfidf for all the fields gave the worst results.

It would be interesting to try and compare this with using a single field for the content and none of the other fields. There are a lot of other experiments that could be made but at least we now have the possibility to do it with the API.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Behemoth talk from BerlinBuzzwords 2010

The talk I gave on Behemoth at BerlinBuzzwords has been filmed (I do not dare watching it) and is available on

The slides can be found on

The talk contains a quick demo of GATE and mentions Tika, UIMA and of course Hadoop.

Friday 27 August 2010

Tom White on Hadoop 0.21

An excellent summary from Tom White on the release 0.21 of Hadoop

Having the distributed cache and parallel mappers with the LocalJobRunner is very good news for Behemoth as we need it to distribute the resources to all the nodes. This should make it easier to test in local mode.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Using Payloads with DisMaxQParser in SOLR

Payloads are a good way of controlling the scores in SOLR/Lucene.

This post by Grant Ingersoll gives a good introduction to payloads, I also found pretty useful. 

What I will describe here is how to use the payloads and have the functionalities of the DisMaxQParser in SOLR.

SOLR already has a field type for analysing payloads 

and we can also define a custom Similarity to use with the payloads

then specify this in the SOLR schema

<!-- schema.xml -->
<similarity class="" />

So far so good. We now need a QueryParser plugin in order to use the payloads in the search and as mentioned above, I want to keep the functionalities of the DisMaxQueryParser.
The problem is that we need to specify PayloadTermQuery objects instead of TermQueries which is down deep in the object hierarchies and cannot AFAIK be modified simply from DismaxQueryParser.
I have implemented a modified version of DismaxQueryParser which rewrites the main part of the query (a.k.a userQuery in the implementation) and substitutes the TermQueries with PayloadTermQueries.
First we'll create a QParserPlugin 

which does not do much but simply exposes the PLDisMaxQueryParser which is a modified version of the standard DisMaxQueryParser but with PayloadQuery objects.

Once these 3 classes have been compiled, jarred and put in the classpath of SOLR, we must add 

 to solrconfig.xml.
then specify for the requestHandler : 
<str name="defType">payload</str>
<!-- plf : comma separated list of field names --> 
 <str name="plf">
The fields listed in the parameter plf will be queried with Payload query objects.  Remember that you can use &debugQuery=true to get the details of the scores and check that the payloads are being used.

Thursday 19 August 2010

Tika on FeatherCast

Apache Tika recently split off from the Lucene project and became a separate top level Apache project. Chris Mattmann is talking about what Tika is, and where it’s going on

Friday 13 August 2010

Towards Nutch 2.0

Nevermind the dodgy look of the blog - I'll improve that later!

For my first post, I'd like to mention the progress we've made recently towards Apache Nutch 2.0. It is based on a branch named NutchBase which has been developed mainly by Doğacan Güney and it is now in the trunk of the SVN repository. One of the main aspects of Nutch 2.0 is that it is now storing its data in a datastore and not in Hadoop's file-based structures. Note that we still have the distribution and replication of the data over a whole cluster and data locality for MapReduce but we also have the possibility to insert or modify a random entry in the table without having to read/write the whole data structure as it was the case before.

Nutch uses a project named GORA as an intermediate between our code and the backend storage. There would be a lot of things to say on GORA but to make it short what we are trying to achieve with it is to make it a sort of common API for NoSQL stores. GORA already has implementations for HBase and Cassandra but also SQL. The plan for GORA is to put it in the Apache Incubator or possibly as an Apache subproject (Hadoop? HBase? Cassandra?). We'll see how it goes.

There are quite a few structural changes in Nutch, most notably the fact that there aren't any segments any more as all the information about a URL (metadata, original content, extracted text, ...) in stored in a single table which means for instance no more segments to merge or metadata to move back to the crawldb. It's all in one place!

There are other substantial changes in 2.0, notably the removal of the Lucene-based indexing and search as we now rely on SOLR. Other indexing backends might be added later. Another step towards delegating functionalities to external projects is the increased used of Apache Tika for the parsing. We've removed quite a few legacy parsers from Nutch and let Tika do the work for us. We've also revamped the organisation of the code and did a lot of code clean up.

Nutch 2.0 is still at an early stage and we are actively working on it, testing, debugging etc... The good news is that it is not only an architectural change but also a basis for a whole lot of new functionalities (see for instance

I'll keep you posted on our progress, as usual : give it a try, get involved, join us...